Why Not Do Something As Simple As It Is Healthy?

To promote natural weight loss and eliminate toxins, water is essential. It is recommended to drink it before meals so as not to interfere with digestion.

If someone tells us that at the top of the Himalayas there is a healthy remedy, a plant that makes you lose weight, we immediately call the nephew of our mother’s cousin’s grandfather’s uncle, who lives in India, to tell him that we are part of the same family.

The goal ? Let him find the said plant for us. As implausible as the situation is, we are willing to go to heaven and earth to get anything that we think is exotic or extravagant.

But when someone tells us that in the supermarket, there is something cheap, accessible to everyone and full of health benefits, what do we do? Nothing at all ! It is in our habits.

And if that’s your case, don’t bother reading this article! Indeed, here we are going to present you something good, pleasant, really inexpensive and, above all, something that we often already have at home!

As simple as it is healthy

In Japan, it has become very popular to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is said to provide many health benefits.

In reality, one drink is not enough! You should drink at least four glasses of water 45 minutes before breakfast. This helps prevent many diseases. In addition, it also improves all our organic functions!

If we consider that this element constitutes 75% of the muscles, 90% of the brain, 22% of the bones and 83% of our blood, it is easy for us to imagine how much we suffer when we lack water. !

Likewise, the human machine works perfectly well when our organism is sufficiently hydrated. And yes, let’s not forget that 70% of the body is actually water.

The power of water

The benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach are immediate. All organs and systems need water to function properly.

Some people have made this practice a daily habit. They can therefore verify that drinking helps eliminate water retention, eliminate toxins and help improve intestinal transit and active metabolism.

Healthy for transit.

But that’s not all ! This habit also allows us to prevent many diseases.

Among them are: heart problems, arthritis, tachycardia, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, constipation, gastritis, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, tumors and others. And all this with a gesture as simple as drinking water!

Before each meal

In short, drinking water cleanses us and activates us from the inside! But water also helps to regulate the internal temperature of the body.

Not to mention that it protects and hydrates our vital organs, and it improves the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. This therefore allows food to be digested better.

But one of its greatest virtues, which many readers will love, is that drinking water before eating helps us lose weight!

Drinking several glasses of water before breakfast, but also before each daily meal, will help us achieve the recommended water consumption per day (2 liters). 

Not to mention that it will fill us up, which reduces our desire to eat anytime and anyhow!

How to hydrate ourselves

We all know that when it rains, it does not help agricultural crops. On the contrary, it can sometimes destroy them completely. A little prolonged rain is the best hydration possible for the earth.

The same goes for us! Drinking two liters of water per day (minimum) is necessary, but we must gradually consume this element so vital for our body.

It is healthy to drink lukewarm water.

Obviously at first it can be hard to get used to. It’s normal. But as soon as we see the benefits it brings us, it encourages us to continue!

It is healthy to drink good quality water, that is, mineral water of a good brand if possible. We are obviously talking about water from a natural mountain fountain, because it is a really cheap luxury that we can have at home!

The best way to drink any drink is to do it at room temperature, neither too cold nor too hot!

Instead of drinking water during the meal or even after, do it before! Two or three glasses help the digestive process and eliminate toxins. In short, we lose weight in a natural way!

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