Why Should We Eat Homemade Tomato Sauce Every Day

By making our own homemade tomato sauce, we can get the most out of lycopene tomato, as well as enjoy other healthy ingredients.

Tomato is a very common vegetable that hides surprising health properties. It can be eaten in tomato sauce.

Some studies have shown its ability to prevent certain types of cancer thanks to its lycopene content.

Find out in this article why we should consume homemade tomato sauce every day to improve many health problems.

What are lycopenes?

Lycopenes are the pigments found in vegetables and fruits that are reddish in color (also purple and orange). Among these foods we find:

  • Tomato
  • Red pepper
  • Watermelon
  • Papaya
  • Guava
  • Strawberry
  • Pink grapefruit

This nutrient is a carotenoid that our body cannot synthesize and that can only be found in foods of plant origin.

Therefore, the only way to get it is by consuming the vegetables that contain it.

  • Once it is absorbed by our body, after half an hour, it is absorbed in the intestine and deposited in the liver, testes, prostate and adrenal glands.
  • Lycopene has high antioxidant power, a function that helps us fight free radical damage that causes cell aging.

Tomato or tomato sauce?

Tomato is one of the foods richest in lycopene. However, what is more interesting is that we can find a very high concentration of lycopene in other types of tomato based foods.

Proportion per 100 g:

  • Raw tomato: 2,573 µg
  • Ketchup: 17.716 µg
  • Dried tomato: 45,900 µg
  • Tomato sauce: 28.764 µg

Health benefits

The consumption of vegetables rich in lycopene offers many benefits for our health.

Cancer prevention

Tomato sauce and cancer.

As we stated at the start, there are studies that show that the lycopenes in tomato may help prevent certain types of cancer, including prostate, lung, and stomach cancer.

They have also shown positive results in cases of cancer of the pancreas, colon and rectum. From the esophagus, oral cavity and breast.

Cardiovascular system

Daily consumption of tomato also offers many other health benefits, including great support for our cardiovascular system. Thanks to its ability to improve cell activity and the use of fat for combustion.

In this way, we manage to reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood.

Blood pressure

Lycopenes have the virtue of controlling blood pressure without adversely affecting it, since they help to thin the blood. They are therefore very suitable for people with hypertension.


In the case of people suffering from diabetes, habitual consumption of tomatoes and other red vegetables improves the utilization of glucose in our body.

It also promotes insulin function and prevents certain symptoms resulting from diabetes, such as:

  • Retinopathy
  • The diabetic foot
  • Intermittent claudication

Lycopenes are therefore very beneficial in the treatment and prevention of diabetes.

The best way to eat tomato

Tomato sauce.

As we said, tomato paste is the best way to get a high amount of lycopene.

However, this antioxidant is not always absorbed in the same way, it depends on the food that contains it and the other nutrients that come with it.

Its absorption improves considerably if we eat it with good quality fats and at a high temperature.

For this reason, the most effective and healthiest way to benefit from its properties is to use a homemade tomato sauce with warm extra virgin olive oil.

We can still make it a healthier sauce if we add a touch of black pepper and turmeric. Thus, we will also have an excellent remedy for all kinds of inflammation and pain.


  • 10 ripe organic tomatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (100 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder (4 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt (12 g)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of brown sugar (7 g)

How to do ?

  • First, chop the garlic and sauté for a minute.
  • Then cut and mix the tomatoes, then add the spices.
  • Add the garlic and the tomato mixture to the same pot and cook for about 15 minutes.
  • To get the most of its health benefits, consume this hot sauce.

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