Yoghurt And Vinegar Treatment To Remove Calluses From The Feet

Although we will need several days to remove the calluses, thanks to this remedy we will notice softer feet from the beginning and also fight infections and bad smell.

The use of certain shoes and the continuous friction that the feet suffer with every movement is usually the main cause of these unsightly calluses that develop on the arch, heels and toes.

Also known as corns on the feet, they are an alteration from which the skin suffers due to the excessive accumulation of dead cells and the lack of hydration.

Their appearance can be linked with the lack of care in this part of the body because, although they are very important, many people do not realize that they also need special care.

The problem is that their presence tends to be painful and generally increases the risk of certain infections. Therefore it is essential to treat them and for this we will use natural ingredients with exfoliating and repairing qualities.

For this we share with you a remedy made from yogurt and vinegar. Thanks to its properties, it will accelerate the recovery of the skin while protecting it from fungal infections. Try it out now!

Yogurt and vinegar treatment to soften calluses on the feet

Although there are some professional and conventional treatments to remove corns on the feet, this recipe is unique in that it contains natural ingredients whose properties improve the appearance of the skin.

These two components have natural acids and moisturizing substances which, by absorbing them, soften the skin and regulate its natural pH.

Their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help prevent infections. At the same time, they deflate their muscles to calm the pain and the feeling of heaviness.

Benefits of yogurt for the feet

Treatment to remove calluses from the feet: benefits of yogurt

The main benefits of yogurt for the feet are attributed to its high content of lactic acid. This component regulates the natural pH of the skin, prevents the growth of fungal infections and, at the same time, exerts an exfoliating effect that facilitates the removal of dead cells.

It is also made up of many vitamins, minerals and other moisturizing substances, the absorption of which softens the skin while speeding up the recovery process.

It also has healing, antioxidant and emollient properties that help improve the appearance of dry feet within days.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar is one of the most widely used organic products in the treatment of foot problems. Moreover, thanks to its acetic acid, it helps to soften calluses and prevents the growth of fungal infections.

Compounds readily penetrate the skin, by removing impurities which accumulate in area and balancing its pH to control excess dryness.

It also creates a protective barrier against germs. It thus helps us to avoid certain ailments and the appearance of unpleasant odors. In addition, thanks to its antibiotic power, it is an effective solution to protect cracked feet or with skin lesions.

How to prepare this yogurt and vinegar treatment for the feet?

How to prepare this yogurt and vinegar treatment for calluses

This yogurt and vinegar treatment to remove calluses that form on the feet must be prepared with 100% organic ingredients. Yogurts with flavors and refined vinegar do not have the same properties as their natural versions.

Therefore, when you buy them, please check that they are of the best quality for good results.

We recommend that you read: The 7 Best Home Uses of Apple Vinegar


  • ½ cup of natural yogurt (100 g)
  • ½ cup of organic apple cider vinegar (62 ml)


  • Stir in the natural yogurt in a container and mix it with the organic apple cider vinegar.
  • Make sure you get a homogeneous product and start applying it.

How to use

  • In the evening, before going to sleep, wash your feet well with water and neutral soap. Then start applying the treatment to them.
  • Cover them well with a generous amount. Especially in places where calluses are concentrated.
  • Leave the product on for 30 minutes. Then place them in lukewarm water for another 20 minutes.
  • After this time, rub them with a pumice stone to complete the effects of the remedy.
  • Remove the dead cells, rinse them and dry them well.
  • Repeat this treatment every day, until you improve the appearance of your feet.

Calluses on the feet cannot be removed with a single application of this product. Use it several times until you notice healthier and more aesthetic feet.

Nevertheless, you will notice the effects of a much softer and hydrated skin from the first application.

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